
GitHub in 2013: Pull Request Actors

An IPython notebook presenting a visual overview of GitHub repo pull request actors in 2013 based on data obtained from the GitHub Archive.

GitHub in 2013: Fork Events

An IPython notebook presenting a visual overview of GitHub fork request events in 2013 based on data obtained from the GitHub Archive.

GitHub in 2013: Follow Events

An IPython notebook presenting a brief visual overview of GitHub user follow events in 2013 based on data obtained from the GitHub Archive.

GitHub in 2013: Event Types and Commits

An IPython notebook presenting a brief visual overview of GitHub event types in 2013 based on data obtained from the GitHub Archive.

How Complex are TodoMVC Implementations

An article comparing 17 different JavaScript based implementations of a simple Todo list app using the code complexity metrics: lines of code, cyclomatic complexity, Halstead measures and Maintainability Index.