Drawing the New York Hardcore Logo with D3.js

The JavaScript code below shows how you can draw the New York Hardcore (NYHC) logo with D3.js using SVG rect and SVG text elements.

JavaScript Code

const w = 600,
    h = 600,
    h_rect = 30,
    l_cath = h_rect / 2,
    offset = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l_cath, 2) + Math.pow(l_cath, 2)),
    fg = '#ffffff',
    bg = '#000000',
    svg = d3.select('#canvas').append('svg')
        .attr('width', w)
        .attr('height', h);

function textStyle(text) {
    text.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
        .attr('font-family', 'sans')
        .attr('font-size', '220px')
        .attr('font-weight', 600)
        .attr('fill', fg);

    .attr('x', 0)
    .attr('y', 0)
    .attr('width', w)
    .attr('height', h)
    .style('fill', bg)
    .style('opacity', 1)

    .attr('x', 0)
    .attr('y', 0)
    .attr('width', Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w - offset, 2) + Math.pow(h - offset, 2)))
    .attr('height', h_rect)
    .style('fill', fg)
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + offset + ',0)rotate(45)');

    .attr('x', 0)
    .attr('y', 0)
    .attr('width', Math.sqrt(Math.pow(w - offset, 2) + Math.pow(h - offset, 2)))
    .attr('height', h_rect)
    .style('fill', fg)
    .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (h - offset) + ')rotate(-45)');

    .attr('x', w / 2)
    .attr('y', 165)

    .attr('x', w / 2)
    .attr('y', 596)

    .attr('x', 75)
    .attr('y', 380)

    .attr('x', 525)
    .attr('y', 380)

This post was written by Ramiro Gómez (@yaph) and published on . Subscribe to the Geeksta RSS feed to be informed about new posts.

Tags: code d3js svg

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